Designing your project is actually a process of co-creation. Rasayana is offering you the right tools and the framework by which you can let your creativity flow freely.

We still use that typical design method, developed throughout the years at Mier.vzw, to let you literally draw your dreams on paper. Together we build up a plan, layer by layer, considering every aspect of your needs and the needs of the space and its other inhabitants.

The following are key to a good designed permaculture project:

  • low impact on the environment or even improving it
  • use of natural or reclaimed materials, if possible found on site or locally sourced
  • simple to set by yourself or with the help of many friends or Rasayana
  • energy efficient: using lots of daylight, passive heating, maximum insulation, natural cooling, …
  • low-tech and low cost solutions: hot water compost heater, solar heater, rocket stove mass heater, compost toilet, water purification,…
  • abundance on a small scale
  • implementing the 4 elements and indigenous wisdom

Rasayana designs with you:

    • harvest
    • creative storage
    • purification
    • infiltration
    • reuse
    • ponds
    • wadi’s
    • aqua ducts
    • low-tech hot water systems (solar + compost)
    • tiny houses (on/off wheels)
    • tree houses
    • living architecture
    • ancient techniques like wattle ‘n’ daub, cob, adobe bricks, hempcrete, straw bale, dry stone walls (with natural stone or urbanite)
    • roundwood timber: roundhouses, A-frames,…
    • extensive roof top gardens (green roofs)
    • reclaimed and on site sourced natural materials
    • alternative insulation
    • off grid low-tech solutions like hot water systems, plant filters, compost toilet,…
    • food forests
    • permaculture gardens
    • hügelculture
    • preserving techniques like fermentation and destillation
    • herbalism like making cremes, tinctures, massage oils, incense, soap, wild foraging… 
    • compost toilets
    • root cellars (living without fridge or freezer)
    • water (see above) 
    • growing your fire wood, medicinal herbs, soap,…
    • celtic sweat lodges
    • temples
    • altars
    • sacred trees 
    • crafting sacred objects
    • mindful building and gardening
    • living architecture like willow constructions
    • ancestral building like dry stone walls, thatch, roundhouses with reciprocal roof
    • ancestral gardening terracing, water systems…