One of the most beautiful memories of my time with Mier.vzw was the moments of co-creation. It is so uplifting and joyful to join hands and make things happen. Every person adds his or her value to the project. Everyone contributes their talent, whether it is building dry stone walls, digging holes, planting, even baking a cake or making a good cup of coffee. Happy chatter during work alternate the moments of strong focus and mindfulness. Co-creation enables people to connect easier with each other. We not only create a project, we create bonds as well.
You can ask Rasayana to
- offer you hands-on tips ‘n’ tricks to use in your permaculture project
- build together with you your eco Tiny House (on/off Wheels)
- take on a project that involves the participation of volunteers, apprentices, family,… We will guide you through the process from A to Z, from a basic idea over design to construction, from scouting volunteers to setting up a co-working program,…
- organise workshops at your home or (community)garden
- kickstart your project for a day and leave the rest to you at your own rhythm
- create a sacred space with the participants of your event

Rasayana is happy to share their knowledge and expertise about the following subjects:
- harvest
- creative storage
- purification
- infiltration
- reuse
- ponds
- wadi’s
- aqua ducts
- low-tech hot water systems (solar + compost)
- tiny houses (on/off wheels)
- tree houses
- living architecture
- ancient techniques: wattle ‘n’ daub, cob, adobe bricks, hempcrete, straw bale, dry stone walls (with natural stone or urbanite)
- roundwood timber, roundhouses, A-frames
- extensive roof top gardens (green roofs)
- reclaimed and on site sourced natural materials
- alternative insulation
- off grid low-tech solutions: hot water systems, plant filters, compost toilet,…
- food forests
- permaculture gardens
- hügelculture
- preserving techniques like fermentation and destillation
- herbalism like making cremes, tinctures, massage oils, incense, soap, wild foraging…
- compost toilets
- root cellars (living without fridge or freezer)
- water (see above)
- growing your fire wood, medicinal herbs, soap,…
- celtic sweat lodges
- temples
- altars
- sacred trees
- crafting sacred objects
- mindful building and gardening
- living architecture: willow constructions
- ancestral building: dry stone walls, thatch, roundhouses with reciprocal roof
- ancestral gardening: terracing, water systems.
We work in Belgium and abroad. We are semi-nomads. We can stay on site as long as the project runs to enable us fully immerse ourselves into the surrounding nature, to connect better with the people and the spirits of the land. Prices are negotiable, depending on the duration and type of project, the amount of help etc. To give you a clue: 40€/hour (excl. btw) + transport (0,40€/km).