And when did we stop building those sacred spaces? Until the seventies Belgians built churches. In the past many farms had a tiny chapel, contributed to the Holy Mary. Nearly every corner of the street on the country side was marked by these cute little chapels. Lots of times they replaced a sacred Linden tree.
Throughout history all over the world all cultures had sacred spaces. Think of the many stone circles in Wales, the pyramids in Egypt, Uluru in Australia, Machu Pichu in Peru, Hagia Sofia in Turkey… there are plenty of examples of places where people gathered to connect spiritually within themselves, with each other, the ancestors and the Nature’s Spirits. Whether it was manmade or natural, people felt the urge to create spaces to withdraw themselves in silence and replenish their soul in one way or the other.

Unfortunately today in western society everything needs to be functional, cheap and fast. Building sacred spaces might be the lowest on our priority list. We ‘re too busy earning money and -especially in Flanders- space is limited. The few sacred spaces that are left are being removed or converted to commercially more interesting buildings. Nevertheless we need this connection with our true Nature more than ever. Worshipping celebreties, an unconditional belief in science and technology or virtual friendships are only a superficial replacement of the spiritual connection we’ve lost.
Ancient burial site in Northern Wales New dolmen at Tamera, Portugal
Co-creating Sacred Spaces is
a way to connect with our tribe or same minded people,
a way to be mindful about our body, our words, our thoughts,
a way to reconnect with our ancestors and Mother Nature.
Let’s help each other through offering a physically silent spot, natural building materials, your knowledge, your helping hands,…